About the database

This database is meant for teachers and everyone involved or interested in academic teaching. In the database you can find basic knowledge on academic teaching and results from innovations initiated by teachers. You can use the database as inspiration for your own teaching and the examples of others when you want to start a project yourself.
The database is composed and edited by the Centre for Academic Teaching of Utrecht University. This database contains contributions of the following partners:

  • articles from the former knowledge platform of the Teaching Academy Universiteit Utrecht (TAUU) (started in 2015)
  • articles from the digital platform BaMa 3.0 made by Educational Development & Training (2012)
  • results and tools derived from projects led by teachers of Utrecht University

The content of this educational knowledge base is updated with the most possible care. New insights, results or additions are welcome and can be sent by email to cat@uu.nl. The editorial staff of the knowledge base will review the content.

You are free to share and adapt, if you give appropriate credit and use it non-commercially. More on Creative Commons


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