05 October 2022

Learning activity

Pyramid Discussion

Much like think-pair-share students are asked to come up with their own answer individually before discussing their answers in pairs. This prevents so-called ‘groupthinking’, whereas students immediatly accept the answer of another. It helps students which normally are less enthousiastic to share their thoughts, to let them join the discussion more elaborate. Afterwards they tend to be more engaged when moving on to the next fase. 

When discussing in pairs is finished, the two pairs are combined into groups of four. After finding a consensus, these groups combine with another group turning into a group of eight. This repeats till all the students are together discussing their answers.  

As a teacher the main goal in the beginning is to time-manage the students. Suggested is to keep te discussions between the two and five minutes. With the final discussion the teacher looks into their findings and their answers.  


The activity takes about 10-30 minutes to complete and could be done with the maximum of 30 students in an on-campus setting. 

Students could prepare the question individually at home, making it a blended learning activity.


Supplies Needed

  • Questions 
  • Pen and paper for students to note down their answers

Set-up Classroom

A large classroom with plenty of space for students to move around.

Optionally: Using a Teaching & Learning Lab could be suggested, due to its flexibility in furniture. Otherwise, using a Learning Plaza could be suggested, due to its large size and flexible use.

Step 1. (Preparations)

Prepare elaborate open-ended questions, so students have to come up with elaborate answers.  

Step 2. (During Class)

Present the question to the students and inform students about the learning activity. 

Step 3. (During Class)

Students firstly answer the question themselves. Afterwards they make pairs and discuss their answers.

Step 4. (During Class)

After discussing in pairs students create groups of four, then groups of 8, 16, 32 etc. It is important that students get enough time to get to a consensus. As a teacher it is important to monitor the progress. 

Step 5. (Evaluation)

When all the students are discussing their answers in a plenary discussion with two major groups. They will end-up with an final answer. As a teacher you discuss this answer with the group and provide key-notes to take home.

You are free to share and adapt, if you give appropriate credit and use it non-commercially. More on Creative Commons


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